Jim Maccarone

Jim Maccarone is the Director, Division of Youth Services, MS Department of Human Services. Jim has been the director for seven years. Prior to that he was the Director of Institutions for the division managing both Columbia and Oakley Training Schools. During his time as director a major lawsuit with DOJ was settled involving Oakley Youth Development Center. The division has rolled out a risk assessment tool called the SAVRY (Structured Assessment of Violent Risk in Youth), a graduated response policy, began a re-entry program at Oakley through a grant from OJJDP, and piloted three evening reporting centers as a replacement for AOP (Addolescent Opportunity Program).

Jim has a BA from the University of Mississippi is Sociology and Psychology, and a MS from the University of Southern California in Organizational Systems Management. He is a medically retired Marine Officer and has owned a business as well as worked in school administration.  He has three children and three grandchildren.