Angela Robertson

Since 1994, Dr. Robertson has been conducting multi-site and longitudinal research on behavioral health issues and interventions for juvenile and adult offenders.  Her areas of research include studies of the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and HIV risk behaviors among juvenile detainees, trauma exposure and delinquency, mental health treatment and social service needs of incarcerated youth, and behavioral interventions to reduce drug use, impaired driving, and HIV/STI risk behaviors.  She has also been involved juvenile justice reform efforts in Mississippi including the development a recidivism risk assessment instrument, and studies of Disproportionate Minority Contact, conditions of confinement in Mississippi juvenile detention facilities, juvenile drug courts, and implementation strategies for improving the delivery of evidence-based substance abuse treatment services for justice-involved youth.

Dr. Robertson collaborates with state and county juvenile justice agencies to collect, analysis, and report information on juvenile crime and the processing of youth by the juvenile justice system.  She served on the Juvenile Detention and Alternatives Task Force which was created by the Mississippi Legislature in 2012 to develop statewide standards for juvenile detention facilities and to propose alternatives to incarceration for juvenile offenders who do not pose a threat to public safety.  Currently, she serves on the Mississippi Commission on Children’s Justice.