Tom Broome

Thomas H. (Tom) Broome is serving his fourth term as a County Court Judge for Rankin County, Mississippi, and is the former County Prosecutor.   Broome is the Chair of the Mississippi Council of Youth Court Judges; the Co-Chair of the Mississippi Supreme Court Commission on Children’s Justice; a member of the State Drug Court Advisory Board; a member of the MS Uniform Youth Court Rules Commission; the Co-Chair of the Legislation Committee on the State Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice; the Vice Chair of the MS Children’s Justice Act Task Force; and Vice Chair of the Statewide Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative Task Force.   Broome is an appointed member of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice under OJJDP in the United States Department of Justice, and serves as the Secretary and a Director for the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ).  He is Chair of the Membership Committee and has served as the Vice Chair on the Family Violence and Domestic Relations Department Advisory Committee and serves on the Executive and Legislative Committees of the NCJFCJ, and has served on the Alcohol and Other Drugs Committee.  Broome has also been appointed by Governor Phil Bryant to serve as the Legal Committee Chair on the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Teen Pregnancy and Health Issues.   Judge Broome has been honored with the numerous awards and commendations for his advocacy on behalf of children and families, as well as service to the Bench and the Bar having been most recently recognized with one of the 2015 Chief Justice’s Award for contributions to the juvenile justice system, the 2016 MS College School of Law Community Spirit Award and the Mississippi Bar’s 2016 Judicial Excellence Award.  He is married to Paula Henderson who serves as the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Victims Assistance and Domestic Violence State Resource Prosecutor for the MS Attorney General’s Office, and previously served as the founding Director and Attorney for the Family Violence and Victim Services Department of the MS Band of Choctaw Indians.   They love traveling and cooking together, and Judge Broome also enjoys hunting and working on the family’s tree farm.